Wednesday 19 December 2012


So it's over and your done with me.
All I ever asked for was
coffee and sympathy.
A shoulder on which to cry
And empathy.

You responded adequately
Yet at the same time
Questioned your own philosophy.
And gave me false Hope
But at least you agreed.

And now the time has passed
we had our fun.
You want friendship
I'd rather have a gun.

I called you to ensure your not so rash
I apologize right now
For the way I reacted in the past
But I just felt alone
The last four years were too much to hack.

I never meant to offend the memory of Anne
Though you must understand
This was never my ultimate aim or plan.
You've suffered for too long.
Now I'm turning you down for my man.

And I never wanted to hurt you
Oh no please understand
That your problems alone
Were not the end of our romance.

So your telling me now that all Hope has passed.
On the general Eve of Christmas
I wish I had your grace, style and class.
I know it's been months
But I thought that we could last.

yet what I truly don't comprehend
And please try and explain
Is you still want me as a friend.
I'm worried his visa will expire
And we'll be back to square one somehow again.

I can't have you hurt me
After all's been said.
This should really be
The last communication; in my head.

I'm sorry right now how many times must I say
That we only felt like friends
We simply drifted away.
I Hope that you feel better
And understand some day.

But If it's reassuring at all I'll be thinking of you
I Hope your Christmas is pleasant
now what more can I do?
I understand your hurt so please do talk
Even this for me is not a proverbial walk.

I'm sorry my former love
But I made my choice.
I'm glad for this conversation.
Now please go find your voice...

Baring in mind the tears that I've cried
in both worry and contempt
I contact you now with my blessing and a vow
That we shall try us as friends.
I'd just like to ask though with all said and passed
What he will make of it all?
Will he match logic with reason or perceive it as treason
That your willing to talk to this Faul?
I fail to see to many degrees how you believe this could be.
But if we can But try for both our peace of mind
Then I believe we will But see
I did it with my former But time had been and gone
things are viable But as all above don't you dare prove me wrong...

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